Recent talks
The Normative Dimensions of Logical Modelling
(With Matteo De Benedetto) Workshop: "How Should We Reason? Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives", MCMP (LMU), Munich, Germany, October 2023.
Inference and the structure of mental representation
17th Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2023.
Logic as a normative model of reasoning
(With Matteo De Benedetto) Workshop “Models of Reasoning and Normativity” , Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, June 2023.
From Logical Form to the Form of Concepts
Symposium on Conceptual Spaces. Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU, June 2023
Variability, Correlations and Conceptual Coherence
Workshop: Conceptual Spaces at Work, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, June 2023.
From feature correlations to conceptual coherence
Workshop: The Cognitive and Ontological Dimensions of Naturalness, Heinrich- Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, May 2023.
The role of categorization in inductive reasoning.
BAPS Invited Symposium: Categorization across fields, 2023 International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Brussels, March 2023.
Conceptos, Lenguaje, e Inferencia Racional
Workshop sobre Inferencia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, November 2022.
Local and global prperties of concepts: a metacognitive perspective
Seniorprofessur Gerhard Schurz – WS 2022/2023. Heinrich Heine Universität Dusseldorf, October 2022.
From Logical Form to the Form of Concepts
Symposium on Conceptual Spaces. Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU, June 2023
Generic expressions and the structure of concepts
Workshop: Concepts: Philosophical Perspectives. Ruhr Universität Bochum, October 2022.
Local and global prperties of concepts: a metacognitive perspective
Workshop Conceptual Spaces and Social Spaces, Université Paris Cite ́, France, July 2022.